Carmen Gutiérrez Labrador
Member No. 2015 of Córdoba Bar Association
Academic Qualifications / Professional Qualifications.
Law Graduate with degree from Universidad de Córdoba (Spain). (1981/1987).
Extraordinary Prize Córdoba School of Legal Practice (Spain) (1991/1992).
Master in Environmental Law from IEDE Business School. (1997/1998)
Professional Collaborator of the Chair of Civil Law of the Faculty of Law of Córdoba (2008).
Master inSenior Management Program ADEL (Senior Management of Leading Companies) from Instituto San Telmo (2011/2012).
Current Professional Activities and Positions.
Since 2022 due to merger Pwacs Gutierrez Labrador
Managing Partner of “GUTIÉRREZ LABRADOR ABOGADOS”, founded in 1991, specialized in key sectors of the economy, especially commodities related with the Environment (water, energy, and mines), for which is required a profound knowledge of the business world (commercial and corporate law), of concession deeds, utilization, impact and transfer in the public domain (administrative law, environmental law, law of Waters and Mines), as well as intervention in Due Diligence and and contracting of projects for renewable energies.
Recently the law firm has been awarded the “Excellent Andalucía Prize 2014” and “European Legal Awards 2019” in the Environmental and Food Industry categories from the publications “La Razón” and “El Suplemento”.
Professional Experience:
Partner and founder of “GUTIERREZ LABRADOR ABOGADOS SL”, The First Spanish Boutique Law Firm specialized in Environment, Waters, Energy and Mines. Within the scope of these areas, work is undertaken in administrative and judicial affairs, mediation, contracting and consulting. The clients are Public Administrations, Foundations, Companies and Corporations under Public Law. Currently the Law Firm has joint Headquarters in Madrid and Córdoba and represents a benchmark in specialized affairs. Carmen Gutiérrez Labrador continues as Company Director and Department Director.
Legal Counsel since 1991 for national and international companies exercising in the sectors of our specialization. Defence in important judicial procedures followed in civil jurisdiction, mercantile, penal, labour and administrative disputes, lodging appeals at the highest levels (Supreme and Constitutional Courts).
Nominated AC (Official Receiver) in many Bankruptcies both voluntary and necessary.
Personal intervention in negotiations, operations and judicial proceedings against Entities of Foreign Nationality in Spain and in their respective countries of origin. By way of relevant examples the following may be mentioned - in México (civil responsibility for damages in the installation of grain storage), Kazakhstan (opposition to execution of bank guarantee on first demand in an operation of international commerce), France (breach of commodities contract), Chile (establishment of security rights and surface rights for energy installation), Romania (Penal procedure for mercantile fraud and documentary falsehood in the Port of Constanza), Canada (opposition to the resolution for expiry of an optical quartz mining concession), Chile/Spain (Management of land use for prospecting and mining of Uranium in Salamanca), Panama (real estate investment of Spanish business community), Portugal (management and legalization of irrigation), Venezuela (Industrial patent and winding up of the Company).
Teacher of environmental law in the Master of Environmental Engineering organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Córdoba (2000-2002). Teacher of Environmental Law in the course of Environmental Legal Consultancy, under the auspices of the Faculty of Business Studies of Córdoba. (ETEA 2002). Courses of Environmental Training sponsored by the District Council of Córdoba and the Confederation of Business People of Córdoba (CECO).
Speaker in many conferences related with Environment and Waters. Among others;
“Conferences on agricultural irrigation in Córdoba” , organized by Agro-Food Cooperatives in Córdoba (19/04/2017)
“Conference on irrigation in the province of Córdoba, present and future”, organized by the Irrigation Committee of the Province of Córdoba. (05/06/2017)
“Conferences on the new judicial environment in water affairs”, organized by the Cajasol Foundation (19/10/2011).
Regular collaborator in radio programs on Onda Cero when there are news items related to the Environment, Energy and Waters, for example being interviewed after the decision of the Constitutional Tribunal on jurisdictions of the Guadalquivir (31/05/2011 y 13/09/2011), National Water Pact and the New Hydrologic Plan (16/02/2012); Green Energies and Electric Companies (08/05/2012).
Intervention in Arbitrage of National and International Laws. As the most relevant (i) Judgment handed down by the Arbitral Tribunal composed of three arbitrators, D. José Pérez de Vargas Muñoz (Professor of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos), D. Ignacio Gallego Domínguez (Professor of Civil Law of the Universidad de Derecho de Córdoba) y D. Alberto Durán Ruiz de Huidogro (Counsel), on the 17th of March 2009; (ii) Judgment handed down on the 28th of February 2011 by The Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, with Sole Arbitrator Mr Fred Wennerholm of Setterwalls Advokatbyra, of Stockholm, Sweden.
Fields of Legal Experience:
Administrative Law, Public Domain, Energy and Environmental.
Civil Law (continental).
Penal Law.
Mercantile Law.